Saturday, December 6, 2008

How to Do the Skateboard Railstand Trick

If you do flatland skateboarding, then you will want to try some of the tricks available for flatland skateboarding. Some of the tricks here are easy for some skateboarders to do while there are other skateboarders that find them hard to perform.

Before you learn tricks, it is important that you wear your proper skateboarding safety gears. You have to remember that skateboarding is indeed a painful sport. If you are just learning to do a trick, there is a big chance that you will fall and experience pain.

Wear your helmet and pads to avoid sustaining serious injuries related to skateboarding, such as head trauma and broken bones.

One popular flatland skateboarding trick is called the Railstand. In this trick, the skateboarder will stand on the edge of his or her skateboard. The skateboard will be on its side with the wheels facing the side.

Also called Primo or Primo Stall, this skateboard trick can be easy to do for some skateboarders while some find it hard to execute properly. The great thing about this trick is that you don't need to know how to Ollie to perform it. So, if you are already riding your skateboard comfortably but you still don't know how to do the Ollie, you will still be able to try out this flatland skateboard trick.

There are two types of Railstands. The first is the Toeside Railstand and the other is the Heelside Railstand. The Toeside Railstand is a bit easier than the Heelside Railstand. To perform this trick, you will need a flat surface, such as your driveway, your garage or even your living room.

First, you will need to put one foot over each truck. Then, push on your toes and jump up. This will tilt the skateboard and you will need to land on the edge of the skateboard.

The Heelside Railstand is a little trickier to do than the latter. To do this easily, try taking your back foot off the skateboard. Then, put the load of this foot right on the side of the back wheel or the trucks. In one smooth motion, jump off the skateboard where your toes will pull the skateboard on its side and land on the side of your skateboard with both feet.

These are the different ways to do Railstands. As you can see, they are quite easy to do. With enough practice, you will be able to do them effortlessly.

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